Our Programs
We provide learning through fun for every child.
Daily Oral Language
Help your students sharpen their grammar, usage, and mechanical skills by making Daily Oral Language a daily ritual. This short, yet meaningful, exercise helps students recognize and correct common mistakes made in writing while incorporating lessons about important character traits.

Books of Responsibility
Visually appealing series features more than 60 stories from throughout the world. As students take a reading journey around the globe, their multicultural appreciation grows. Memorial characters and authentic literature, combined with meaningful messages, provide a rich foundation for developing good character.

Writing with Character
Students need support to develop good character. Writing with Character integrates solid writing instruction with character-building themes in every lesson. This program provides 36 weekly writing assignments about character-building themes. The composition skills and genres follow a scope and sequence that is consistent with state standards

What Really Works?
Pre and post surveys were administered by the classroom teachers.
With our programs:
- Academic performance increased in math and reading.
- Teachers stated that they observed changes in the language, attitude, and behaviors of their students.
- Teachers used the materials in preparing students for the State standardized tests.
- Attendance increased significantly for all students.
- Increase of students citizenship skills improved.
- Teacher perceptions of student behaviors and knowledge about character traits improved.
- Teachers reported fewer disciplinary referrals in their classroom.